Shalom World
Strengthened by their blessings
The abundant grace that flows by the laying of hands of the pastoral leadership has been the driving force of the ministry. Their prayerful blessings have strengthened us on our mission of taking the message of the Gospel to faraway lands. Inviting God's blessings upon all the endeavours of the ministry and on all those who associate with it, the apostolates lauded the contributions of Shalom ministry to the Catholic Church.

Blessings and Prayers from Archbishop Romulo G. Valles.
Archbishop Romulo G. Valles

Blessings from Archbishop Leo Cushley.
Archbishop Leo Crushley,Scotland

I'm very happy to introduce Shalom World: a new Catholic, family-oriented Catholic TV that will be 24/7, English-speaking television channel. I hope that through this media we will be able to continue to spread "Shalom"; the peace that comes from the King of Peace, Jesus Christ. I congratulate all those who participate in supporting this new media. And that it may continue to reach millions and millions of people all over the world where we need the light of Christ.
Cardinal Gerald Lacroix, ISPX

If we're really going to be followers of Christ, we need to care for those who are part of our family of faith and reach out to the people who need the Word of God, who need to encounter Christ. Shalom Media ministry does wonders in that it is a way of reaching out, spreading the Gospel, of bringing Christ to those who need Him. I pray that the Lord bless all of those who are engaged in the tremendous apostolic mission of Shalom Media ministry.
Cardinal Thomas Collins

I'm pleased to introduce SHALOM WORLD, a new 24/7, dynamic, family-friendly Catholic television channel. This new English-language channel is from Shalom Media, a Catholic media ministry that has made great contributions to the Church in the past ten years. I invite you to join me in praying that SHALOM WORLD television channel will be a strong voice of the Catholic Church in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to our world today.
Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB

I am very pleased to offer my best wishes and congratulations to all who are involved in Shalom Media, a wonderful way in which to communicate the truth of God’s love and the Gospel of our Lord, particularly as it pertains to family life. I wish you God’s blessings on all the good work that you do.
Archbishop Richard W. Smith

I'm very pleased to make the acquaintance of SHALOM [WORLD] television. I wish all of you and your activities God's blessing.
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast

It so important that we are all out there, bringing the joy of the gospel to everyone we know. And that’s why I am so pleased to endorse and offer my blessings to Shalom World TV for all that you are doing to bring good news to this world, which is in need of a message of hope. Thank you for what you are doing. May God bless your work always.
Archbishop Eamon Martin

In today’s world, an undertaking like Shalom World is incredibly important and I would be very happy to encourage everyone who is working as part of Shalom World in their efforts to bring the Catholic faith to the world around us and also I give my special blessing on all those who are involved in Shalom and all those watching Shalom and all the future viewers of Shalom. So thank you and God bless you.
Archbishop Charles J. Brown

Each one of us is on a journey. We all need to encounter Jesus on the road. I warmly welcome the work of Shalom World television. Thank you for the way in which you assist in the mission of the church, helping them come to terms with the eternal truth as it applies in their lives whatever their journey is. And I extend my blessing to you and to all your viewers.
Bishop Kevin Doran

I constantly find young people to be wonderful, yearning for something beautiful in their lives… yearning for peace, yearning for Shalom. That’s why I really hope Shalom Media will be able to communicate that message of hope to young people who are told to expect so little from themselves.
Bishop Donal McKeown

The work of Shalom is an essential part and a powerful part of the work of evangelization. In this 21st century when the human family is battered by so many forces of change, of uncertainty; forces which seem to threaten and menace hope, the hope of the risen Christ and of the Good News of the Gospel is something which has to be shared, not only between individuals, but with communities of peoples right around the nations of God's earth. May the Lord bestow His blessing on the work of Shalom, on all who are associated with it, and also indeed on all those who, through their charity and kindness, support its most important work.
Bishop Noel Treanor

It is a great joy for me to endorse Shalom World TV. I am delighted to welcome the Shalom Team to base their Irish operations in our Diocese. Shalom World will be a marvelous tool to deepen the evangelisation and in spreading the good news around our country. I thank Shalom for making their contribution to the world of media and their contribution to allowing the Good News to be heard till the ends of the earth.
Bishop Denis Nulty

I am very excited to welcome Shalom World TV to Canada. In every age the Church uses media to transmit the message of good news, and to invite people to know the living God. Shalom World TV produces excellent programs on faith and family, scripture and church teachings, programs for young and old, for those exploring the Catholic faith, and for those looking to deepen their knowledge about the faith. I know that they would be a great blessing to the church, and a great resource for Catholics and all Christians.
Bishop Daniel Miehm

I'm very happy to present to you SHALOM WORLD TV, which does a lot of great work in presenting the Faith to the world. Our Holy Father Pope Francis speaks a great deal about the New Evangelization and how we need to reach out to the periphery. I think using modern mediums like TV is a great way to reach out to people and to share the Faith with them. So may God continue to bless the good work of SHALOM WORLD.
Bishop Gerard Paul Bergie

I am pleased to make the acquaintance of Shalom World TV and I wish you and your activities God's blessings.
Bishop John Anthony Boissonneau

Be assured of God's love and care here for us in our world. And continue to proclaim his love to the world. We will evangelize the world [by] whichever means we can do, especially here [with] Shalom's efforts to evangelize the world through media. God bless you [inaudible] and may God keep you in his love always.
Bishop Vincent Nguyen

In Jesus Christ, what we hear, what we discover is the Good News. Here we find in Jesus Christ crucified and risen. Good News for everybody. And that's why Shalom Media really does have a contribution to make. Shalom Media is seeking to communicate to families, and to show to the world, the Truth and the beauty of what the family is within the plan of God. May the blessing of God really come to you through all that is offered in SHALOM WORLD by Shalom Media.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge

I'm really very glad to have this opportunity in welcoming Shalom World television to Australia. Shalom World is seeking to proclaim the beauty of the person and the message of Jesus to a new generation, and to do so using all the modern methods of communication. It is my hope and my prayer that Shalom World television will prove to be a faithful, effective, and attractive vehicle for bringing the Good News of Jesus to the people of our beautiful country.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, SDB

Individuals, families, communities and whole cultures need to rediscover the Gospel. The new media and groups like shalom World TV are very important for bringing the gospel anew to our culture, to our families, to each of us individually. So I encourage all the viewers of Shalom World TV to keep watching this channel, and Shalom World TV themselves to keep up the good work of presenting the Catholic faith to our world today.
Archbishop Anthony C. Fisher, O.P.

Shalom World brings to you the Catholic faith in all its different dimensions. It can be a faith to inspire you, in your own living of your Catholic faith in the society. Shalom World offers an opportunity of being enriched and strengthened in your family life. We live in a culture that needs to have a Catholic presence. I recommend to you to be involved in the work of Shalom World. And may God bless you and bless the work of Shalom World.
Archbishop Julian Porteous

It is a great gift to many parts of the world and now it is in Australia too. I receive Shalom media with open arms. It is really going to support family life, married life, youth and give us a resource that will be really helping us in these areas. May God bless this new resource coming to our land.
Archbishop Christopher Prowse

It is a joy to let you know how much I appreciate Shalom World TV. We can sit around and complaint about the deadly effect that media has on our culture and family or we can do something about it. And, Shalom World TV has chosen to do something about it. You get faith-filled, virtue building, character-based, family friendly television with Shalom and we need it more than ever.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan

I'm delighted that Shalom [Media] is in now in a position to bring the Good News to Australia and, indeed, to the world. We live in a world where the media is so influential. It dictates so much of our learning and our attitudes. So, it's so important that the Good News of Jesus Christ has to be made available to all people to enliven us, to make us more loving, and, indeed, to bring about peace in the world. So, it's this Good News that Shalom [Media] is trying to get across to Australia now.
Bishop Daniel E. Hurley

I am delighted to ask this prayer and blessing upon all who are watching through Shalom World TV.
Archbishop Bernard Longley

I want to give my blessing to Shalom TV, to all those who work in it, the work that they are doing, and also those who receive their message. I hope you will continue to be God’s instruments in the world and to evangelize with power and confidence.
Archbishop Emeritus Kevin McDonald

I would like to thank you for watching Shalom World TV because as you know, it brings Christ into your homes and into your hearts. That is why I am so pleased to be open to endorse its work. It is a great tool for evangelization throughout the whole world.
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, O.P.

Shalom World TV is an impressive enterprise. Using the modern means of communication, it brings to our world the gospel of Jesus Christ. By their work of evangelisation, through means of communication they are a blessing for all. I recommend to you the work and the message especially of Shalom World TV. Their mission is to be fruitful and blessed.
Bishop Peter Brignall

I pray God’s blessings on Shalom World TV and the work that you do in proclaiming the Good News and the plentiful redemption through the media. I pray God’s blessings also on the audiences those who listen to and watch your programs.
Bishop Ralph Heskett

I'm so delighted that through yourselves Christian faith will have a voice. And you're here today giving voice to the media. Life is God's precious gift to each one of us. We need, not only to speak about the issues concerning conception and the safety of the child in the womb, but, through love, create a world in which there is love to cherish and care for those children, where we build up families full of love, where children are welcomed. God bless you all.
Bishop David McGough

Shalom World TV, coming to Europe and coming to England--that's fantastic! I've come to realize how important and good Catholic media is, so that we can get the message of the Good News out to people. A good Catholic media can serve that wonderful purpose of getting that news out there, which, sadly, so many people do not know or have forgotten. So it's great to hear this good news of Shalom World TV coming to the UK.
Bishop Patrick McKinney

I want to give my blessing to the work and labors and activities of Shalom network.
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo

What a pleasure it is for me to welcome and thank those of you who view Shalom World TV! How exciting it is to promote the gift of family, and the gift of Church teaching to young people, young adults, and all of us who are young at heart. May God’s blessings be with all of you as you view this TV program and station. And may your faith deepen, and your commitment to a respect for human life and to family life, completely deepen and be shared with others.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz

The Church has a positive message, though not popular today. We need to be bold in proclaiming this counter-cultural message that God calls us to happiness through the call to chastity, to purity. Attractive people, attractive messages--to help our people begin to re-think their values, their way of looking at life, and [to] understand that so many people have been duped by the false promises of the dominant culture. There is an alternative and it is a happy, healthy, holy alternative.
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Shalom World TV [will] now communicate the Good News of the Gospel throughout the world. This new programming will be reaching out to youth, young adults, and families.
Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller

Special greetings to Shalom World TV as you bring the new evangelization to reality in the Church. May Almighty God be with each one of you as you participate in this wonderful apostolate.
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez

Media is terribly important today. It's how we communicate and we need to devote all our resources to bringing the Good News of our Lord to those who are so eager to be lifted up by Him. I'm very grateful to be speaking to you through SHALOM WORLD TV and I'm happy to give you my blessing.
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron

My dear brothers and sisters, what a great joy to be with you! As we inaugurate the beautiful station for Shalom, which means the peace of Christ in the most profound place of your heart and soul, we pray that Almighty God be with each of you and help you through this beautiful media to draw nearer to Jesus and to know more about the Catholic faith, and to know more about the Holy Spirit. And that you may grow in Shalom!
Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares

Blessings and Prayers from Archbishop Romulo G. Valles.
Archbishop Romulo G. Valles

In Jesus Christ, what we hear, what we discover is the Good News. Here we find in Jesus Christ crucified and risen. Good News for everybody. And that's why Shalom Media really does have a contribution to make. Shalom Media is seeking to communicate to families, and to show to the world, the Truth and the beauty of what the family is within the plan of God. May the blessing of God really come to you through all that is offered in SHALOM WORLD by Shalom Media.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge

I'm really very glad to have this opportunity in welcoming Shalom World television to Australia. Shalom World is seeking to proclaim the beauty of the person and the message of Jesus to a new generation, and to do so using all the modern methods of communication. It is my hope and my prayer that Shalom World television will prove to be a faithful, effective, and attractive vehicle for bringing the Good News of Jesus to the people of our beautiful country.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, SDB

Individuals, families, communities and whole cultures need to rediscover the Gospel. The new media and groups like shalom World TV are very important for bringing the gospel anew to our culture, to our families, to each of us individually. So I encourage all the viewers of Shalom World TV to keep watching this channel, and Shalom World TV themselves to keep up the good work of presenting the Catholic faith to our world today.
Archbishop Anthony C. Fisher, O.P.

Shalom World brings to you the Catholic faith in all its different dimensions. It can be a faith to inspire you, in your own living of your Catholic faith in the society. Shalom World offers an opportunity of being enriched and strengthened in your family life. We live in a culture that needs to have a Catholic presence. I recommend to you to be involved in the work of Shalom World. And may God bless you and bless the work of Shalom World.
Archbishop Julian Porteous

It is a great gift to many parts of the world and now it is in Australia too. I receive Shalom media with open arms. It is really going to support family life, married life, youth and give us a resource that will be really helping us in these areas. May God bless this new resource coming to our land.
Archbishop Christopher Prowse

I'm delighted that Shalom [Media] is in now in a position to bring the Good News to Australia and, indeed, to the world. We live in a world where the media is so influential. It dictates so much of our learning and our attitudes. So, it's so important that the Good News of Jesus Christ has to be made available to all people to enliven us, to make us more loving, and, indeed, to bring about peace in the world. So, it's this Good News that Shalom [Media] is trying to get across to Australia now.
Bishop Daniel E. Hurley

I'm very happy to introduce Shalom World: a new Catholic, family-oriented Catholic TV that will be 24/7, English-speaking television channel. I hope that through this media we will be able to continue to spread "Shalom"; the peace that comes from the King of Peace, Jesus Christ. I congratulate all those who participate in supporting this new media. And that it may continue to reach millions and millions of people all over the world where we need the light of Christ.
Cardinal Gerald Lacroix, ISPX

If we're really going to be followers of Christ, we need to care for those who are part of our family of faith and reach out to the people who need the Word of God, who need to encounter Christ. Shalom Media ministry does wonders in that it is a way of reaching out, spreading the Gospel, of bringing Christ to those who need Him. I pray that the Lord bless all of those who are engaged in the tremendous apostolic mission of Shalom Media ministry.
Cardinal Thomas Collins

I'm pleased to introduce SHALOM WORLD, a new 24/7, dynamic, family-friendly Catholic television channel. This new English-language channel is from Shalom Media, a Catholic media ministry that has made great contributions to the Church in the past ten years. I invite you to join me in praying that SHALOM WORLD television channel will be a strong voice of the Catholic Church in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to our world today.
Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB

I am very pleased to offer my best wishes and congratulations to all who are involved in Shalom Media, a wonderful way in which to communicate the truth of God’s love and the Gospel of our Lord, particularly as it pertains to family life. I wish you God’s blessings on all the good work that you do.
Archbishop Richard W. Smith

I'm very pleased to make the acquaintance of SHALOM [WORLD] television. I wish all of you and your activities God's blessing.
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast

I am very excited to welcome Shalom World TV to Canada. In every age the Church uses media to transmit the message of good news, and to invite people to know the living God. Shalom World TV produces excellent programs on faith and family, scripture and church teachings, programs for young and old, for those exploring the Catholic faith, and for those looking to deepen their knowledge about the faith. I know that they would be a great blessing to the church, and a great resource for Catholics and all Christians.
Bishop Daniel Miehm

I'm very happy to present to you SHALOM WORLD TV, which does a lot of great work in presenting the Faith to the world. Our Holy Father Pope Francis speaks a great deal about the New Evangelization and how we need to reach out to the periphery. I think using modern mediums like TV is a great way to reach out to people and to share the Faith with them. So may God continue to bless the good work of SHALOM WORLD.
Bishop Gerard Paul Bergie

I am pleased to make the acquaintance of Shalom World TV and I wish you and your activities God's blessings.
Bishop John Anthony Boissonneau

Be assured of God's love and care here for us in our world. And continue to proclaim his love to the world. We will evangelize the world [by] whichever means we can do, especially here [with] Shalom's efforts to evangelize the world through media. God bless you [inaudible] and may God keep you in his love always.
Bishop Vincent Nguyen

It so important that we are all out there, bringing the joy of the gospel to everyone we know. And that’s why I am so pleased to endorse and offer my blessings to Shalom World TV for all that you are doing to bring good news to this world, which is in need of a message of hope. Thank you for what you are doing. May God bless your work always.
Archbishop Eamon Martin

In today’s world, an undertaking like Shalom World is incredibly important and I would be very happy to encourage everyone who is working as part of Shalom World in their efforts to bring the Catholic faith to the world around us and also I give my special blessing on all those who are involved in Shalom and all those watching Shalom and all the future viewers of Shalom. So thank you and God bless you.
Archbishop Charles J. Brown

Each one of us is on a journey. We all need to encounter Jesus on the road. I warmly welcome the work of Shalom World television. Thank you for the way in which you assist in the mission of the church, helping them come to terms with the eternal truth as it applies in their lives whatever their journey is. And I extend my blessing to you and to all your viewers.
Bishop Kevin Doran

I constantly find young people to be wonderful, yearning for something beautiful in their lives… yearning for peace, yearning for Shalom. That’s why I really hope Shalom Media will be able to communicate that message of hope to young people who are told to expect so little from themselves.
Bishop Donal McKeown

The work of Shalom is an essential part and a powerful part of the work of evangelization. In this 21st century when the human family is battered by so many forces of change, of uncertainty; forces which seem to threaten and menace hope, the hope of the risen Christ and of the Good News of the Gospel is something which has to be shared, not only between individuals, but with communities of peoples right around the nations of God's earth. May the Lord bestow His blessing on the work of Shalom, on all who are associated with it, and also indeed on all those who, through their charity and kindness, support its most important work.
Bishop Noel Treanor

It is a great joy for me to endorse Shalom World TV. I am delighted to welcome the Shalom Team to base their Irish operations in our Diocese. Shalom World will be a marvelous tool to deepen the evangelisation and in spreading the good news around our country. I thank Shalom for making their contribution to the world of media and their contribution to allowing the Good News to be heard till the ends of the earth.
Bishop Denis Nulty

I am delighted to ask this prayer and blessing upon all who are watching through Shalom World TV.
Archbishop Bernard Longley

I want to give my blessing to Shalom TV, to all those who work in it, the work that they are doing, and also those who receive their message. I hope you will continue to be God’s instruments in the world and to evangelize with power and confidence.
Archbishop Emeritus Kevin McDonald

I would like to thank you for watching Shalom World TV because as you know, it brings Christ into your homes and into your hearts. That is why I am so pleased to be open to endorse its work. It is a great tool for evangelization throughout the whole world.
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, O.P.

Shalom World TV is an impressive enterprise. Using the modern means of communication, it brings to our world the gospel of Jesus Christ. By their work of evangelisation, through means of communication they are a blessing for all. I recommend to you the work and the message especially of Shalom World TV. Their mission is to be fruitful and blessed.
Bishop Peter Brignall

I pray God’s blessings on Shalom World TV and the work that you do in proclaiming the Good News and the plentiful redemption through the media. I pray God’s blessings also on the audiences those who listen to and watch your programs.
Bishop Ralph Heskett

I'm so delighted that through yourselves Christian faith will have a voice. And you're here today giving voice to the media. Life is God's precious gift to each one of us. We need, not only to speak about the issues concerning conception and the safety of the child in the womb, but, through love, create a world in which there is love to cherish and care for those children, where we build up families full of love, where children are welcomed. God bless you all.
Bishop David McGough

Shalom World TV, coming to Europe and coming to England--that's fantastic! I've come to realize how important and good Catholic media is, so that we can get the message of the Good News out to people. A good Catholic media can serve that wonderful purpose of getting that news out there, which, sadly, so many people do not know or have forgotten. So it's great to hear this good news of Shalom World TV coming to the UK.
Bishop Patrick McKinney

It is a joy to let you know how much I appreciate Shalom World TV. We can sit around and complaint about the deadly effect that media has on our culture and family or we can do something about it. And, Shalom World TV has chosen to do something about it. You get faith-filled, virtue building, character-based, family friendly television with Shalom and we need it more than ever.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan

I want to give my blessing to the work and labors and activities of Shalom network.
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo

What a pleasure it is for me to welcome and thank those of you who view Shalom World TV! How exciting it is to promote the gift of family, and the gift of Church teaching to young people, young adults, and all of us who are young at heart. May God’s blessings be with all of you as you view this TV program and station. And may your faith deepen, and your commitment to a respect for human life and to family life, completely deepen and be shared with others.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz

The Church has a positive message, though not popular today. We need to be bold in proclaiming this counter-cultural message that God calls us to happiness through the call to chastity, to purity. Attractive people, attractive messages--to help our people begin to re-think their values, their way of looking at life, and [to] understand that so many people have been duped by the false promises of the dominant culture. There is an alternative and it is a happy, healthy, holy alternative.
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Shalom World TV [will] now communicate the Good News of the Gospel throughout the world. This new programming will be reaching out to youth, young adults, and families.
Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller

Special greetings to Shalom World TV as you bring the new evangelization to reality in the Church. May Almighty God be with each one of you as you participate in this wonderful apostolate.
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez

Media is terribly important today. It's how we communicate and we need to devote all our resources to bringing the Good News of our Lord to those who are so eager to be lifted up by Him. I'm very grateful to be speaking to you through SHALOM WORLD TV and I'm happy to give you my blessing.
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron

My dear brothers and sisters, what a great joy to be with you! As we inaugurate the beautiful station for Shalom, which means the peace of Christ in the most profound place of your heart and soul, we pray that Almighty God be with each of you and help you through this beautiful media to draw nearer to Jesus and to know more about the Catholic faith, and to know more about the Holy Spirit. And that you may grow in Shalom!